Monday, March 12, 2012

We're taking a huge family trip down there (around 35+ people) and I want to plan a scavenger hunt. The problem is i don't know much about Virginia and I would like to have some things from there on my list. I want a pretty big list so anything is welcome. The age group is anywhere between 10 and 58.|||This link might give you some ideas:鈥?/a>

Other ideas:
__Dead tree
__Pine cone
__Poison ivy
__Stream or creek
__Blade of grass
__Clover leaf
__Pine bark
__Seeds or seed pod
__Eroded soil
__Smooth/shiny rock
__Y-shaped twig
__Pine needles
__Acorn or other nuts
__Tree with blossoms
__Hole in a tree
__Ponded area in a creek
__Maple leaf "helicopter"
__Rocks with many colors
__Fungus on a tree
__Animal tracks
__Butterfly or moth
__Spider web
__Birds nest
__Insects on a tree
__Deer tracks
__Animal hole in the ground
__Leaf with insect holes

  • college books
  • college books
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