Friday, March 9, 2012


I live in Reston, Virginia and would like to purchase couple baby chicks for my kids. I tried searching in google and the big hatcheries don't sell less than 20 chicks.

I was wondering if someone can please help me locate them here cin northern virginia.

Thanks|||Well, if you have the time, you might want to just look around for a local farm that raises chickens. The farmers in my area just love it when the locals take an interest in their farm and their animals.

Another option that you could consider is talking some other people that might be interested in chicks as well. One person might want five for a little backyard flock. Another might want to start a little side business selling extra eggs and want 10. Another parent might want their child to have a chick as well and there goes 2 or 3 more. I believe that i would be worth your time, that way you can pick and choose what breed you would like.

Best of luck to you!|||Look in the Washington Post Classified for Birds or just check a local little farm that's happy to give away a couple chicks or just charge a couple of dollars for each one. Or abduct a chicken. :)|||If you have any local feed stores (especially your smaller ones) try asking around there. They may be able to tell you someone who raises them locally. I found mine this way. Also, if you have a vet that handles horses/cattle they may know if they do farm visits... never hurts to asks.|||Hi,

I live in Manassas and there is an Avian store in Arlington. I don't know how far that is but they sells small parrots, cockatiels, and then evern larger birds like amazons, african greys, and cockatoos and macaws. For younger kids I would check out the cokcatiels at feather heads they are around 100. I bought my tiel from there and he was very friendly and healthy. Best of luck!


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