Monday, March 12, 2012

My baby is due January 2, 2010 and I have never experienced a Virginia winter yet. What things do I need to pack for her to make sure she is warm enough to go home in. I would love to be able to finish packing her bag this week. Please help.|||i know its really chilly near the ocean there, but not sure if you are near the ocean.
try fleece stuff a hat and some mittens, socks of course, and blanket to cover her up when you go out to put her in the car.|||Just anything warm honey. It will be winter. Pack winter clothes.|||It depends on what part of Virginia you are in. Where I am in south western Virginia it gets very very cold sometimes below 0. I would pack some warm clothes just in case...You can never be too safe with baby :)...Good luck|||I live in Michigan and expecting in January as well. I bought very warm fleece PJ's and a onesie for under it to bring my baby home in|||Pajamas with feet, hat, socks and a blanket or 2.


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