Monday, March 12, 2012

Should I hunt open fields or what is the best way to hunt in the snow? I am hunting whitetail in central virginia.|||Legend I do take photos of deer....of course they're hanging upside down being prepared for a nice tender loin steak that night....but any ways.....
You really should have done some scouting prior to the season. Deer will travel the same path in snow as they do the rest of the time. Scouting would have given you a good trail to set up on.|||I always feel lucky when I am able to deer hunt in the snow. If it has been on the ground for a day or two, you can easily find deer paths if you are not familiar with the area. Set up near one of those. When it is cold and snowy, deer need more food, so setting up near food sources, which may be limited with snow on the ground, is good too. Thing are much quieter in the snow and deer are much more noticeable in heavy cover.|||Legend.... funny attitudes. Game meat makes up almost 90% of the meat I consume (on a good year.)
Do you wait til you're starving to order a steak??

Snow is my favorite time to hunt! Never hunted Virginia so I don't know about your specific area.
I prefer to look for dead fresh tracks during a snowstorm and track them til I find them. Most places I hunt the animals aren't out in the open during the day, so I'm pretty much still hunting in the woods.|||I don't know what kind of terrain you have, but here in PA there's lots of mountains, hills, and valleys. When it snows and I'm hunting deer I look in thickly wooded areas, and in mountain laurel. Also, fresh tracks are obviously a great sign. Good luck!|||Legend, all I have to say is that you are obviously 12 years old, because no mentally mature person would say that.|||Legend I hope you hit a deer in your car|||Wouldnt it be better to take photos of the animals rather than kill them?
It disgusts me that people can plan to go on these hunting outings for absoloutely no good reason...
Its not like you are starving and need to eat the deer for food. Selfish is what it is.
I hope you find non. Sorry *knows I will get put down for this* But that it my answer, just dont do it. Or find a wildlife expert who can help you view the animals... :L


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