Friday, February 24, 2012

I went to visit my cousins and they sound different than the people in other southern states. Sounds close to a northern accent. Anyway, what kind of accent do they have? If anyone lives in virginia or watever. Let me know. (:Thx.|||There are many different accents in Virginia. The accents that would collectively be called "a Virginia accent" would sound very Southern to you. Many people in Virginia are transplants from up north, so it is not uncommon to hear an accent that isn't southern.

It took me a while to find you a good example on Youtube because there were so many of them that started out "I live just outside DC" or "my father is from Connecticut". This is representative of Virginia in that there are many people who don't have a "real" Virginia accent.

The girl in the video has a traditional Virginia accent, not an Appalachian accent or a real hillbilly (rural) Virginia accent.

At the end, you'll hear her talk about how she tries to reduce her accent, and for about 10 seconds at the end she speaks without holding back, but you should be able to hear her accent throughout the video.|||Well I used to live in Cana, VA. And the people there had what I like to call "the stupid accent". Why? I think what I called the accent speaks for itself. lol.|||Kind of like an inbetween accent.


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