Saturday, February 18, 2012

The establishment Republican party cannot allow Ron Paul to become President, at any cost. But their hand-picked Newt Gingrich and all the others, failed to gather the 10,000 signatures required to get on the Virginia ballot, leaving Mitt Romney and Ron Paul the only candidates on their ballot.

How will the corporate machine that owns the government and both establishment Democrat and Republican parties, keep Newt Gingrich on the Virginia ballot?|||They will buy 10k signatures.

Edit; sorry, I had trouble getting through the article since I was laughing so hard.

I just read "State GOP spokesman Garren Shipley said volunteers spent Friday validating petitions that the four candidates submitted by the Thursday 5 p.m. deadline to the State Board of Elections"

So it won't matter if they buy signatures. This is NOT good for Gingrich or Perry and I have no idea how they could or would let this state slide.

VA has 13 Electoral Votes. Not huge but not insignificant either. The ONLY answer I can come up with is that they polled so low there that they chose not to even bother and focus on other states.

Again, NOT a good sign for either of them.|||The Virginia primary really doesn't make that much difference in the overall scheme of things. It's just one out of 50 states, and the 50 states together will decide at the National Convention who will be the party's candidate to run against Obama.|||Interesting. It seems to be too late. I was thinking they should have got to Paul quicker. Remember Ross Perot? They did something to get him to back out & it had to do with his daughter. I don't know where Paul is vulnerable or even if he is, but I think they have to destroy Newts competition.|||Hey , there are only so many hours in the day and a lot of books to peddle . Can't do everything so you do what is important . Ballots don't buy jewelry you know .|||If the GOP corporate machine hates Ron Paul.

And the GOP corporate machine can keep Newt off of the ballot.

Why didn't the GOP corporate machine keep Ron Paul off of the ballot?|||This has nothing to do with Ron Paul.

Jeez you Paulbots need to get over yourselves.|||Flem flam man id toast. By the way the republican establishment is for Romney.


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